What is Copy Right Claim ?


What is Copy Right Claim ?

What is youtube copyright Claim ?

Copyright is a legal defence of a specific content on the internet. Conent may be a video,audio,picture,Text file etc.

When someone created a content and publish on the youtube or website then he owns the rights of his original  content material. There is a system or you said laws on the internet the owner of the original content can give rights to some other people. They give rights to other people either when someone purchased that content or in some other situation. But if somebody use the content with out the permission of copyright owner, that system of the internet will send you a copyright claim message to that person. Also the content owner will recieve a notification message of his conent bieng used without his permission. Then he will claim copyright against the conent.

You can only use the content if you will get the permission of use by the original  copyright owner. To get the permission google has good procedure to buy that conent material. When you use the copyrighted material you will never Make money from it. All the benefit goes to its original owner. He can also see the structure of track record of the content. You can remove the copyright claim, if you will purchase that conent. If you already purchased the conent but still you will recieve a copyright claim message then complete the procedure of questions to remove copyright claim.

What is youtube copyright claim ?

Youtube copyright claim notification message is pop up when someone used a video without the permission of its original owner. When someone upload a video on his youtube channel, if the video is copyright protected the owner of the video will recieve a notification message that some one upload the video without his permission. He has the rights to claim against its video. If he will not claim the copyright ,then no problem will occur. But if he will claim the copyright, you will recieve a notification of copyright claim. In some situations youtube will remove your copyrighted video from your channel becuase the owner of the video not wants to give the permission of use.

In some situations when you will get a copyright claim notification message, there is no need to remove the video from your channel.  There are either ads running on your video,with the revenue going to copyright owner or the copyright owner will see the stats about your video's views.

But in some situations, Your channel may be closed  after 3 copyright claims occur within three months when this message of copyright claim is recieved " Your video is Taken Down due to cooyright issue ".

This message ususally recieved when the owner of the content don't give permission to anyone to use his content. This message will effect your channel very badly. Be aware when you use content of other people.

Thanks for reading this post.

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